Financing & Development

Feature Film. Television. Docu-Series.

Focusing on the production formats above, we bring value to our collaborators during the following stages.


Private Equity Investment, via our network of qualified investors.

Soft Financing Loans. Secured against the Australian Producer’s Offset, US State Tax Rebates & the Canadian Film Tax Rebate.

Distribution Guarantee Loans. Discounted on the full value of the agreement. Pre-qualified distributors include: Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures, Disney, Netflix and Amazon Studios. 


During the development stage, we prefer to partner with creatives who have either secured initial, seed investment and/or have attached bankable, market elements and are looking to complete the financing puzzle.  

Production Services

Australia. USA & Canada

Co-Production & Overseas Unit Management

With 25 years of hands-on production experience in Australia, USA & Canada, we can facilitate productions of all shapes and sizes, from branded content to feature films, we ensure your project gets the attention to detail that we expect & deliver for our own productions. 

Shooting in Australia, USA or Canada, qualified projects also receive the Location Tax Rebate, Regional Grant and various other government incentives which we negotiate and attach to the production.

Your Australian, USA or Canadian Production Arm

With footprints in Australia, Los Angeles and Canada, we help creatives from around the world achieve their goal of either incorporating authentic local elements into their current project and/or producing a work of natural origin created in the regions of Australia, USA or Canada. 

Recent collaborations include, a Docu-Series produced entirely in Brazil, with local creatives and technicians, with Post-Production and Completion undertaken in Australia.   


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Completion Financing

Once principal photography has concluded, we can assist selected projects secure Post-Production investment, as well as structure a pathway towards completion with world-class, sound & picture post-production partners in Australia, USA & Canada.

Post-Production investment is strictly on a last-in, first-out basis and may include leverage over exploitation rights.

Creative Consultancy

Project Management

A popular service tailored towards agency clients and branded content stakeholders, where projects are managed from  approved concept right until final delivery. 

Offering a full-service from storyboarding, casting, scheduling, managing production, editing, sound design, visual effects to released product.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment services are available to Private Equity Investors, Corporations and Government stakeholders, looking to evaluate the commercial and artistic potential of prospective opportunities. 

We offer a through analysis, providing a detailed breakdown of the project’s merits, market comparisons of related products and include best-case & worst-case scenarios of the project. 

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